Luxury-quality, sustainably sourced, and ethically-produced stylish travel & leisure pet lifestyle products

LAMPĖT is a travel & leisure pet lifestyle brand for pets and paw parents. Our mission is to simplify the pet lifestyle through elegant, multifunctional designs that prioritize the health and well-being of pets and their parents. We create exceptional quality and style by upcycling and blending vintage themes. Our budgetary plan revolves around product return and reimagination, with older lines redesigned for future collections. Our zero-waste initiatives and circular lifecycle products reflect our commitment to a better future for pets, their parents, and the planet. Join us in creating a more sustainable future by shopping, following, and supporting our sustainability initiatives today.


LAMPĖT is a luxury travel & leisure brand that caters to pet owners who want to pamper their furry companions while exploring the world. Our pet collections are tailored to provide absolute comfort for pets and their parents, making travel adventures effortless and unforgettable. We believe that the love between pets and their owners should always come first, which is why we prioritize their comfort and ensure that every outing is elegantly enjoyable for both. Whether you're looking for local outings or world travels, LAMPĖT is committed to prioritizing your pet's comfort and creating unforgettable memories for you and your furry family members. Join us on our journey as we blend love and vision to create the ultimate pet travel experience collections.

Each product is exquisitely crafted, purely functional, and designed for absolute comfort for pet and paw parents.

Beautiful and practical ‘human-plus-pet’ products are difficult to find, and companies attempting to achieve that unique blend do not always keep an ‘accountable sustainable endpoint.’ While many companies cite their sustainable business practices, none can verify a zero-impact business model like ours. This zero-impact commitment is as essential as the products themselves.

Our entire supply chain and product lifecycles are designed to generate absolutely no waste. When a product is no longer useful or needed, we recover ownership and either recycle it, upcycle it, or repurpose it. It is a circular process that leaves no footprint on the environment.

It is at our very core to change the future of business systems. We will stand firm in conviction as responsible and accountable for sustainability!

luxury-quality, innovative travel & leisure pet lifestyle products with multifunctional designs that provide simple, elegant solutions for paw parents on the go.

luxury-quality, innovative travel & leisure pet lifestyle products with multifunctional designs that provide simple, elegant solutions for paw parents on the go.

At LAMPĖT, our corporate and creative philosophy is one of connection – based on a foundation of deep respect for life, love, and laughter; healthy and holistic values; and acting with an empathetic heart.

Throughout our LAMPĖT product and service lines for our mönpkins, we strive to create, enable, and embrace a lifestyle of elegance and ‘pure pet passion’ that extends to clients through our pet-friendly adventures and luxurious products.

We are 100% committed to our sustainability goal by ensuring that our products will never end up in landfills or oceans.

Instead, we seek to introduce a new way of doing business that will significantly reduce product waste worldwide.